Improvement of bridge defects by FRP fabric in South Link

The bridges have more crack, carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric for solve these problems.

Improvement of bridge defects by FRP fabric in South Link

Upper part of bridge

Bearing components, general components: mainly including structural cracks, voids, bars, honeycombs, hemp surface, concrete spalling, concrete block, box girder flange plate suspender reserved holes are not blocked, formwork is not removed, concrete expansion formwork and other defects;

Defect repair plan

Crack repair

The cracks in this section are mainly longitudinal cracks in flange plate of beam body, white ash of crack flow and longitudinal cracks in cantilever cast-in-place box girder beam body. The crack width is less than 0.15mm. For such cracks, crack injection glue can be used directly for sealing treatment.

Defect treatment: voids, exposed tendons, honeycomb, hemp, concrete peeling, concrete blocks and so on.

After filling in some defects with larger area, a layer of 300g CFRP fabric is added to reinforce the defect. Carbon fiber cloth should be coated with structural adhesive on the surface of the fiber cloth to prevent aging, and the color of the surface should be the same as the original color of the bridge concrete.

CFRP fabric for bridges

